Findings of Fact - Colorado HOA Law (10CV1747)
Plaintiffs: Kissing Camels Property Owners Association
Plaintiff Counsel: Jane Fredman and Eric Bentley (Flynn, Wright and Fredman)
Association Management: Diversified Property Management
Association Manager: Stephanie Amend (Lay Witness)
Defendants: Condominium Association of Kissing Camels Townhomes and Kissing Camels Townhomes Association
Defense Counsel: Ken Gray (Independent Counsel) and David Krahl (Independent Counsel)
Association Management: Team Strategy Inc.
Association Manager: David C. (Dave) Stiver BA MA (Expert Witness)
Findings of Fact 10CV1747 | Colorado HOA Law
© 1998, Team Strategy Inc.
1825 Austin Bluffs Pkwy Ste 201
PO Box 26330
Colorado Springs CO 80936-6330
(719) 594-4003