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Federal Pacific Electrical Panels

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Federal Pacific Electrical Panels

Colorado Association and Real Asset Property Management
Published by John R. Schneider - All About Homes in Consumer Safety · Sunday 31 Jan 2021 ·  1:00
Tags: StabLokElectricalPanels(FP)
Since the 1980's homeowners have been led to believe that "A RECALL" of the Stab-Lok Federal Pacific circuit panels took place. Many unscrupulious electricians looking to charge a homeowner a fee of $1200.00 to $1500.00 to replace the circuit breaker panel. The purpose of this article and informational handout is to provide the homeowner (consumer) with the facts. First, the only recall that took place was for commercially installed breakers. Secondly, after extensive research the results were that "No Serious Injury or Result" was found to require the replacements of these circuit breaker panels. That is not to say that your panel (due to normal wear and tear) may need to be replaced. However, it is entirely possible that only a particular circuit switch may need replacing. If in doubt, get a second opinion.

Fact is that the Stab-Lok Electrical Panels for commercial and residential use a available at many electrical supply outlets.

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